Shenzhen port

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Shenzhen port

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Reporters yesterday from the Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Bureau was informed that the first three quarters of this year, the Shenzhen port inspection and quarantine milk and dairy products 114,200 tons, 576 million US dollars, an increase of nearly 50%. Ireland, New Zealand is the main port of Shenzhen milk and dairy products importer. In the import of milk and dairy products, infant formula milk powder accounted for about Qi Cheng. In addition, there are some full-fat milk powder, butter, cheese, cream and other products. Data show that the Shenzhen port has become the country’s third largest port of imported dairy products.

Shenzhen port dairy imports surge and Shenzhen port a good customs clearance environment is not unrelated. In recent years, Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Bureau continuously strengthen customs clearance process management, improve customs clearance efficiency and improve the customs clearance environment. The country’s first “goods inspection and quarantine process monitoring and time measurement system”, the internal work quality and efficiency of real-time monitoring; will import food access to determine and label inspection work ahead of the pre-inspection link to shorten the site inspection time; Certificate “,” health certificate “the full implementation of the e certificate, the use of Internet + technology to pass the certificate and fidelity, inspection visa significantly reduced the length of time 70.06%, the goods can be faster on the shelf sales, For enterprises to save a large number of port warehousing logistics and shenzhen escort time costs. At present, the Shenzhen port entry inspection and quarantine efficiency of goods in the country’s major coastal ports in the first.

The safety of imported dairy products has been a concern, Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in accordance with the “prevention first, risk management, full control, social co-governance” principle, importers strict access threshold, and importers to improve traceability system.

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